WV STEPS: David and Jo Ann Shaw Center for Simulation Training and Education for Patient Safety

Healthcare Simulation Week 2024

Come out to help us celebrate the the annual SSH Healthcare Simulation Week Sept 16-20, 2024

"Launchpad to Legacy: What's Your Next?" 

This year's theme, "Launchpad to Legacy: What's Your Next?" is all about sharing your goals and collaborating with others to propel the field forward. Whether you're an individual aiming for certification, an organization seeking program accreditation, someone new to the healthcare simulation field and ready to grow, or someone ready to mentor the next wave of professionals in the field, Healthcare Simulation Week provides a platform to share your ambitions and learn from others. 

Events at STEPS:

Monday 9/16 8:00am-4:00pm CHSE Blueprint Review Course for those who want help preparing for the Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator exam in the VPs conference suite.  Cost is $400, which includes the course, manual, and practice exam. Email jfcraig@hsc.wvu.edu for registration information.

Thursday 9/19 1:30pm-4:00pm STEPS Open House to celebrate our 15 year Anniversary.

Don't forget to nominate your favorite simulation instructor for the 4th annual David H Wilks award https://tinyurl.com/dwilks

Simulation Certificate Program

The Faculty Development program at STEPS provides many opportunities for enhancing the teaching and scholarship activities of faculty from all disciplines. Three days of simulation instruction and activity are available in the Simulation Certificate Program.

Presentations and Publications

STEPS and their colleagues have been actively publishing research and presenting at a variety of professional conferences.

Hands-on experience. Cutting edge technology.

When it comes to patient care, experience is everything. With the West Virginia Simulation Training and Education for Patient Safety center, our students are learning life-saving procedures, developing interprofessional communication skills, and using new technologies, before they get into patient care environments.

The David and Jo Ann Shaw STEPS center houses patient simulators ranging from premature babies to adults, including ultrasoundable models. State of the art technology – and a highly adaptable simulation set from student learners to hospital professionals – fosters analytical, diagnostic and communication skills.

Removing Boundaries for Learners

WV STEPS is a premier simulation center that provides experiential learning to health care professionals to improve their skills. Inter-professional education is highlighted as nurses, pharmacists, physicians, and other members of an integrated healthcare team train together as they will work in the healthcare setting. Integration enhances the educational experience for all professions involved. Simulated crisis scenarios expose trainees to uncommon, high-risk conditions in the safe environment of the simulation center. Improved patient safety is the ultimate goal.

Innovative Technology

WV STEPS delivers innovative inter-professional healthcare training, using technology to enhance education as our Center helps clinical learners improve their analytical, diagnostic, communication and crisis-intervention skills. Customized clinical experiences are tailored to the level of each learner, from students to healthcare professionals.

The Center uses a variety of patient simulators capable of everything from trembling and crying to bleeding or giving birth. Manikins and trainers give clinicians the opportunity to learn, rehearse, and perfect skills from the simple to the highly complex. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are learned and mastered to improve patient care.

Supporting the WV STEPS Center

Advancements in education through technology and research are products of strong philanthropic partnerships. Individuals, corporations, and foundations with a vision for innovations in healthcare for the creation of healthier communities are integral to the development and growth of our programs. The faculty, staff, and patients of WVU Medicine appreciate our donors’ vision and support.

Standardized Patient Program

A Standardized Patient is a real person role-playing a realistic clinical situation to help healthcare students learn and/or evaluate clinical skills. They are people from the community who have indicated an interest and are accepted based on their communication skills.

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