Give to WV STEPS

Why Should You Give To STEPS?

Opportunities for Support

Generous support from alumni and friends like you makes a difference for students across health sciences who receive inter-professional healthcare training at STEPS. Your investment in STEPS creates opportunities for WVU students to learn high-tech procedures in a safe environment. With simulators and virtual reality equipment, students practice in a nurturing, psychologically safe and risk-free environment. By practicing important skills on mannequins, students recreate potential scenarios and learn in teams the mastery of medical techniques without harm to a real patient.

Your gift can support operations of the STEPS Center, continued acquisition of high-tech simulation equipment and facility expansion, as well as the opportunity to leave a special legacy through facilities naming.

Investing In Better Care For All

As alumni of the Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy, Jo Ann and David Shaw knew the importance of giving back to a university that had given them everything. Though they are now both retired, their incredible philanthropy continues to inspire, educate and transform how our students train and learn about health care. They explain why it's important to contribute, no matter how big or small the donation, to keep changing healthcare for the better.

Practice Makes Better

STEPS does more than train our learners on the latest techniques and technology, preparing them for modern health care challenges. It also prepares them by working together. STEPS simulations and challenges allow medical, pharmacy, nursing and dentistry students to work together as they would in real emergency and patient care settings. “Understanding how each other works, how we communicate to each other, gives us a better idea of what everyone does, how to respect that, and work better together as a team.”

Invest in the Future of Clinical Education

If you have questions or to learn more, please visit, or contact the Office of Philanthropy at 304-293-3980 or

Your generosity provides momentum

Advancements in education through technology and research are products of strong philanthropic partnerships. Individuals, corporations, and foundations with a vision for innovations in healthcare for the creation of healthier communities are integral to the development and growth of our programs. The faculty, staff, students, and patients of WVU Medicine appreciate our donors’ vision and support.

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